Cheers to the girl who writes

doug-robichaud-3531She writes?

I believe she pours her heart on paper. She showcases the beauty of her heart, scatters it everywhere on paper. No doubt, she writes, but I always fail to see the words. All there is to the writing is the voices in her heart, bursting out to the world. But no doubt, she writes.

She thinks, of course she does.

Her heart is her force. She thinks with her heart. She is always content with what might be the outcome of her decisions. She takes risks. She cares less and that’s the beauty of her thinking.

She loves.

She gives all the love she’s got without limits. She’s a free soul. Her heart accommodates another without doubt. She’s willing to wait and fight for love until the very end, but not for the love that doesn’t give back. She cares for her heart as much as she gives it out.

She knows her place, her worth.

She talks alot.

Yes, she does talk. She’s very talkative and funny. She likes to talk about all sorts of things. She’s open, but she holds more than the words she says. Written all over her heart are stories that cannot be explained. Written all over her heart are stories that need a little more digging. Written all over her heart are stories that she wants someone to see.

She’s secretive yet open. She opens up her heart yet people fail to see it everytime.

She lives in her own bubble. Everyday she gets up, she is in her own world, with voices in her head, words pushing in her head, a never-ending stream of words, the beauty she holds in her mind and heart.

She dreams. She has her plans. She believes she will achieve despite what others might think and that’s what has her going.

She reads, alot.

What interests her are the stories people have that are deep within. The unspoken.

She always writes. No matter where she is or what she does, she can never miss out on anything that slightly gets her way. In her mind, there is this constant and beautiful eruption of words, all flowing in a beautiful stream in her mind.

She’s adventurous. She likes going out with friends and trying new things out. The thrill of the moment is her atmost interest.

She likes the thought of being desired. She loves being seen as a being, with the beauty she holds inside and not as an object of satisfaction.

She is selfless. Yes, she is.

At times, she will put others ahead. At times, she will totally forget about herself and purpose to see others happy at her own cost.

She hurts on the inside. She’s human, she feels. At times she is broke inside, all her power feel inferior. But then, she doesn’t let all that bring her down. She always finds herself, she always does what she knows best, being herself.

She is a strong woman. Definitely not a thought or a dream.

She is stronger than anyone thinks.

She’s kind, her heart allows her to be. At times, she is more than what humanity can handle. She is all that she is.

In her heart, there is a fire. It burns brighter each and everyday. In her heart there is determination. In her heart, the fire of resilience burns in everlasting cycles.

Her smile is like a cold, from across the room you have to catch it. Her smile is like staring right into a mirror, you have to give it back. She means no harm from her smile, she means no harm by her laugh, she is just a girl who happens to write.

When it is her work, you will always know because she always leaves a piece of herself in them.

But then, she is the girl who writes.

Cheers to the girl who reads.

Cheers to the girl who writes.